
The website provides insights into the science outreach carried out at CSIR National Chemical Laboratory. The programs are held partially under the CSIR Jigyasa program and in collaboration. The Science Outreach Resource Center conducts workshops, training programs, hands-on activities, and many other engaging programs specially curated for young students. The Science Outreach portal is a dedication to the Scientific Social Responsibility (SSR) contributions of CSIR NCL. It provides a platform for scientists to interact with the school students and teacher's community.

The portal also contains reports of visits, technology videos, and a gallery of past events, announcements, feedback, and activities. The popular talks deliver the latest research topics on some of the technologies like energy conservation, water management, circular economy practices, tissue culture, polymers, crystallography, biotechnology, bioengineering, hydrogen, climate change, one health, and more.

In the future, NCL aspires to motivate more young individuals to participate in workshops and aid in generating knowledge that serves the technology needs of our society. Young students are encouraged to seek knowledge and prepare themselves to collaborate for which the website has a dedicated page.

Science Outreach
Science Outreach Image

The Science Outreach Resource Center was established on March 2, 2023, to focus on engaging young students and fostering curiosity in science. This center promotes research-based learning to complement classroom education for school students. It designs, curates, and develops content to provide fun activities, hands-on workshops, and training programs, both online and on-campus, to enrich student engagements and workshops for advocates and teachers.

It collaborates with CSIR to organize Jigyasa: Student Scientist Connect program.

Objectives: Offer student-teacher opportunities to interact with scientists and explore science from a research perspective. Organize workshops, training sessions, and quizzes for students and teachers. Improve students' access to scientific knowledge. Enhance critical thinking and scientific curiosity. Implement innovative engagement methods. Develop inspirational science and outreach activities.

Aim: To bridge the gap between students and scientists to transform theoretical learning into practical, research-based experiences. Students and teachers have the opportunity to visit the NCL lab, work on projects, and bring their newfound knowledge back to their schools. The program targets schools and junior colleges in Pune and nearby areas to maximize student and teacher participation.

Additionally, the program includes summer training, teacher development sessions, and special talks on occasions such as Science Day, Earth Day, Technology Day, and Foundation Day.

CSIR JIGYASA: Student Scientist Connect Program

"JIGYASA" is a significant initiative by CSIR at the national level to expand its Scientific Social Responsibility (SSR). This program promotes scientific curiosity and understanding, inspired by Prime Minister Narendra Modi's vision for a new India and the concept of "Scientific Social Responsibility."

Its goal is to improve classroom learning by offering practical experiences in research laboratories. The program aims to cultivate curiosity and a scientific mindset among students and teachers by providing hands-on experiences beyond the classroom.

The program connects with various schools and organizations. The 38 National Laboratories of CSIR, on average, attempt to engage 100,000 students and about 1,000 teachers annually.JIGYASA offers engagement models such as scientist-led activities, onsite experiments, scientist visits to schools, science exhibitions, teacher's training programs, and scientific creativity competitions for students.

CSIR Jigyasa Virtual Lab

Online Activities

Science Outreach Image

On-campus Activities

Science Outreach Image
CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory

CSIR NCL was established in 1950 amidst the green hills of Pashan, in Pune. It is a key constituent of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) dedicated to research, development, and a consulting organization focused on chemistry and chemical engineering. CSIR-NCL has gained international recognition for its outstanding scientific research and impressive industrial research transforming ideas into commercial products.


To create and sustain specialized Knowledge Competencies and Resource Centers that can support all its stakeholders. A significant part of its mission is to produce high-quality Ph.D. graduates in chemical, material, biological, and engineering sciences. Commitment CSIR-NCL operates based on guiding principles and values that emphasize a deep commitment to the success of its stakeholders. The organization strives to be a self-driven and self-managed learning entity with a high degree of internal and external transparency. It promotes a culture of collective and principle-centered leadership, valuing the dignity of individuals and treating everyone with fairness, respect, and without bias. Upholding the highest standards of integrity and ethical conduct is also a core value.


To be a globally respected R&D organization in chemical sciences and engineering that aims to support Indian chemical and related industries in becoming competitive on a global scale and to contribute to the nation’s wealth and the quality of life for its people.


To conduct R&D in chemical and related sciences to deliver products, processes, intellectual property, knowledge, or services that generate wealth and benefits for stakeholders. The organization seeks to maintain a balanced portfolio of scientific activities and R&D programs to meet the needs of its current and future stakeholders.
